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Showing posts from December, 2022

Ukrainan mahdollisen litiumvarannon arvo

Helsingin Sanomien artikkeli 28.12. arveli, että Ukrainan konfliktissa ja Venäjän valloitussodassa saattaa osittain olla kyse Ukrainan mineraalivarannoista ja erityisesti litiumista. HS artikkeli Ukrainan mineraalivarannoista. Ohessa twitterketju, mikä avaa artikkelin käyttämää 1000 kertaa väärää mittakaavaa ja tarkempi arvio Ukrainan mahdollisin litiumvarannon arvosta. Biljoonassa ja miljardissa on se pieni 000-ero. Ukrainassa ei ole litium-varantoja “biljoonien eurojen arvosta”. Kokeillaan taas oikaisua twitterin algoritmin voimalla, kun hesarin sposti näyttää olevan tukossa. Ukrainasta on löydetty mahdollisia litium-oxidi (Li2O) varantoja noin 500 000 t. “The estimation of lithium oxide reserves is close to 500,000 tons.” Tässä artikkelissa puhutaan kuitenkin estimated resources ja mainitaan, että “reserves are not defined”, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että niitä ei lasketa vielä taloudellisesti hyödynnettäviksi varannoiksi. Linkki:  PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF LITHIUM RESOURCE BASE IN

Electric options in mining

Do you remember the claim that energy transition is not possible because mining machines run on DIESEL, and that they burn 1000l of fuel in 12h to extract materials for ONE Tesla battery? Turns out that it's not exactly the case. We have options and even in the ARCTIC winter. B.F.R who lives next to one of the largest open pit copper mines, and have several years of mine management experience, was not able to quantify the fossil fuel consumption of mining. "It's impossible to quantify the net-net fossil fuel consumed" B.F. Randall claims that it's impossible to quantify fossil fuel consumption. Other twitter experts have had their turn in analysing game too but with even less analytic success, I would argue. Similar biased claim in Twitter. What a coincidence that Sir Cold957 give it a go with the same CAT994a loader specs, a day after Casper's post. By the way, that bucket in CAT994 heavy LOADER have a 19-43 m3 load capacity, and the lifting capacity is up t

Suomen ydinvoimasiirtymä

Marras- joulukuun vaihteessa 2022 Suomessa koettiin pitkä tyyni ajanjakso, jolloin sähkön kohonnutta hintaa ja energiasaannin epävarmuutta yritetiin vierittää vihreän siirtymän vastuulle. Tein sen takia tämän kuvan, mikä esittää Suomen ydinvoimahankkeiden suunnitellun tuotannon, jos kaikki lupapäätöksen saaneet hankkeet olisivat onnistuneet. Twitter-julkaisu: Seuraavan kerran, kun joku väittää, että sähkön hinta johtuu "ideologisesta" energiapolitiikasta, niin kysy, mitä on käynyt Suomen ydinvoimahankkeille. Jos kaikki olisi mennyt suunnitelmien mukaan, niin ydinvoima tuottaisi nyt 7000 MW sähköä eli 72% keskim. tarpeesta. Ei mennyt. Ydinvoimalaitosten käyttö- ja lupahistoria Suomessa 2000-2022. Julkaisu:

Will we face lithium shortages?

Will we face lithium shortages? Short-term: maybe. Long-term: probably not. Good news. The largest producers of lithium have shorter project development lead times than other often cited mine products. Lead times were only four years in Australia 🇦🇺, and seven in South-America. Lithium mine development in Australia and Southern America takes only 4 to 7 years respectively. Also, last (2) two-year reserve growth in these respective areas was 3,9 Mt which is more than double than the cumulative 1,7 Mt demand by 2030, -in eight years. Lithium reserve growth in Australia and South America. EV demand estimate includes 187 million EVs and 49 million PHEVs (IEA, APS). The energy storage 1,2 TWh based on BNEF latest estimate and LFP chemistry. Original thread:

Not so fast, JJ.

This is a follow up story to the  wake up but for what? - thread, which was a more analytical counter analysis of GTK's mineral study. Not so fast, JJ. Competitive racing drivers like the former Finnish F1 driver JJ Lehto apply brakes late into the bend, and wait for it to open up before going on the full throttle. Similarly, we should wait before applying the GTK's mineral study findings any further because their assumptions divert us out of the track. GTK's study intention was not to hug the apex. Late last Sunday, I was going through the Adelaide F1 track and Benetton race-line options when reminded about the mineral adequacy.  Turns out that even the most competitive F1 drivers & engineers have to consider mineral efficiency. Adelaide F1 track layout 1988. f you "Come in too hot", or in other words "Carry Too Much Mineral Momentum" (-TMM), you will run out of the track.  In the optimal "racing" efficiency -line, brakes are applied late